Monday, July 7, 2014

Leftover pineapple's from my 4th of July fruit platter? Gary makes pineapple jam the day before he flies.

El Segundo Museum of Art Scratch Exhibit - Graffiti and Tattoo Artist Collaboration funded by Getty Museum.

4th of July as well as a cake for Lucinda and Noble.

Huntington Gardens in Pasadena.

El Porto with Christine and Gary

New fire pit.

Lucinda's B'day Card.

Happy Canada Day from LA with Christine and Hoku.

Watt's Towers.

Gary and Christine.

Gifts from Mary. Love these little guys.

Damage by barstools at Barney's.

Practical travel attire for rich bitches. She arrived at gate on one of those carts that transport the elderly or handicapped. Guess those heels count as a handicap.

Donna and Don's beautiful backyard.

Mary's new place.